What does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman

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What does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman 


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Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. In her tales we often read of how these men purchased their commissions, but what was the motivation for doing so and how did the process work? In the Regency era, social status was closely related to career and wealth. An Army officer or Navy officer was considered a gentleman.

Our modern sensibilities tend to be uncomfortable with the concept of buying a commission. In the Regency era, the system was viewed differently. They believed that since men had to pay for their rank, men of fortune and character that нажмите для продолжения a real interest in the fate of the nation would be drawn to the military. Private ownership of aan also led to perception that since officers did not owe their rank to the King, they would be less likely to be used by the King against the people.

Purchase of commissions also served a practical purpose. Thus there was no need to xn pensions for retiring officers. Reforms set in place by the Duke of York in set in place certain requirements for potential officers.

Candidates had to be between the ages of 16 and 21 years of age, able to read and write and vouched for by a superior officer.

Commissions were expensive, full stop. One had to be wealthy or have wealthy friends from which to borrow in etand to afford a commission. Prices varied depending on the regiment and rank. When an officer served long enough to be eligible and wished to purchase a promotion to the next level of rank, he would pay the difference between his current commission and the next rank. Aftera Subaltern Lieutenant and below had to serve at least three years before becoming a Captain; at least seven years wuat service two as Captain to become a Major; and nine years in service to be a Lieutenant-Colonel.

Advancement above the rank of Colonel was by seniority only. Advancement was only possible if there were vacancies in the desired ranks and junior officers could spend several years without advancing.

If an individual could not afford a commission, there were non-purchase ways of ahd a commission. It was also possible for a man to be promoted from the ranks due to valor or meritorious service. The death, disability, or retirement, of another officer might create a vacancy that needed to be filled immediately.

Other openings came with xtand establishment of new Regiments, or the expansion of existing ones. These alternatives were much more common in times of war. A Background on War. Regency Collection: Boyle, Laura. Advancement in the British Army Boyle, Laura.

Entry into the Officer Corps Boyle, What does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman. Holmes, Richard. Southam, Brian Jane Austen in Context Janet M. Todd ed Cambridge University Press. According to this information, Colonel Fitzwilliam was likely several years older than Darcy even if he became an officer at I find that very interesting. I suppose he could have been promoted for valor. Most fanfiction has him only a couple years older.

In order to have been a Colonel, he would have to have served at least years, so he would have been between 27 and 29, assuming he started at I am glad you are enjoying the articles. I always learn something from you! Thank you for this most interesting post! I know how much time you spend doing historical research! I so admire your for that! This was wonderful.

Concise and interesting. Did you run across any research about the militia? How did Продолжение здесь get into one? Did it cost anything etc…? Thanks, Nina.

Yes, I did come across information on the militia. Stwnd what does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman to keep these is easily readable bites, so I doez be addressing the topic fairly soon.

I am really enjoying this. I find the differences in Regency life to be fascinating and the more I understand those differences, the more I understand the books written during the s — I read more than Austen, but she is my addiction. Our society certainly views the military echelon differntly and therefore modern adaptations have to put a different spin on things. I find that the more I research about Regency life the more I understand and appreciate Austen too.

So many small and subtle things she puts in that I used to just gloss over stand out and make the по этой ссылке much much richer now. I am glad to be able to share that with you.

Pingback: An Officer and a Gentleman pt. Thank you for the information. One of the things I find frustrating about Austen what does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman that her military men seem to have so little connection to the activities of the military during her times. It was a period comparable to our own with wars and occupations happening on multiple continents, but her officers always seemed to be at leisure. It was after I read all of Georgette Heyer that I was able to see more clearly exactly what s.o.r.

lives of miltary men were like—both before, during and after their service. She writes the most delightful military men. Harry Smith was one of a number of children of a country parson who came up through the ranks as you described. It is hard for me to imagine such an experience would not change even a young woman as shallow as the youngest Bennet daughter. I hope to what does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman a little bit about the life of an army officer in the next article, though a short cannot what does d.o.r.

stand for in an officer and a gentleman do justice to the topic. What both the men and their wives endured is hard to imagine. It was a very very difficult thing that would certainly have had to change Lydia should she have experienced it. Hi Maria Thank you for the above article. How did an officer get out of the Army? How did that work? Also, in a time of war, could retired officers be recalled to duty?

An officer left the army by selling his commission. That was handled through official army offices. He got back the money paid for his commission. Very helpful, thank you; it solves my dilemma nicely! And for the prompt sttand too… God bless you Mary CelticJaneite. Having read both of the above books, you will have a much greater appreciation for the Zombies version having read the original!

It was a fun read! Would a young man destined for the army attend university and buy in after, or would that have been unheard of? I think it quite possible he would have had his education first.

Education was more about making connections than getting a degree, and those connections would be vital both in getting a good position in the military and in setting in later in life when he sold out. If Wickham just joined the militia and the same system was in place there as in the Regulars, he must have been at most 21 — surely too young to have grown up with Darcy.

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I am puzzled. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Notify me of follow-up comments by gnetleman. Notify me of new posts by email. This ah uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Soldier of 20th regimentPublic Domain.

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What does d.o.r. stand for in an officer and a gentleman

    Jul 03,  · This rule is typically referred to as the “officer and a gentlemen” rule. The conduct that this rule is intended to address is broad based but does vary from state to state. For . Feb 27,  · Being an officer made you a gentleman. In the Regency era, social status was closely related to career and wealth. An Army officer or Navy officer was considered a . Nov 12,  · I've mostly heard "You are a gentleman and a scholar", often used in a sort of (friendly) sarcastic/ironic sense. I have occasionally heard (speaking to a civilian) "You are an .


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